6 Easy Tips To Help Get The Most Out Of Your Lube Purchase
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If you're reading this, you're most likely the proud owner of a new bottle of lube, and first of all, congratulations! Bring lube into the bedroom is a great choice to enhance your sexual activities, whether you're with a partner or flying solo. And while using lube is great, you can get even more out of your purchase when you follow a few simple steps.

Do Your Sex Sessions Last Longer Than Average?
Have you ever hit the sheets and wondered how the length of your sex session stacks up against other couples?

Reasons You’re Not Getting Wet and What To Do About It
Here at Penchant we are firmly against lube-shaming. Not only can lube enhance the sex you’re already having and improve certain experiences (hello hand-jobs and anal), it can supplement a woman’s natural lubrication when hers is lacking.

Do this if you want to have more sex
Obviously having sex ranks high on our list of favorite things, and we're of the opinion that it's hard to have too much of such a delicious activity. If you're into having a heart-pounding good time and want to have sex more frequently, you're going to first want to get your heart pounding in another way.

Dancing with Yourself: A Woman’s Guide to Masturbation
Here at Penchant we’ve already given you some compelling reasons why masturbation is good for your health, and for all the women out there looking to be more adventurous there’s some good news.

10 Lube Facts Every Newbie Should Know
At Penchant you'll always hear us singing the praises of using lube, but if you're new to using it, there may be a lot you don't know. Below we've rounded up ten lube facts every newbie should know, along with plenty of extra reading material.

7 Ways to Make Sex Less Painful
At Penchant we truly believe that sex can be a healthy and pleasurable part of your life. But what happens when sex is more painful than enjoyable?

7 Ways to be Smart About Sex Toys
Sex toys are pretty damn awesome - not only can they be a fun way to add spice to the bedroom, they can also be a way for some couples to achieve orgasm even if it's not possible through intercourse alone. Plus, anything that helps in the exploration of your pleasure is a total win.

Why Pokemon Go might be hurting your sex life
You look up, smile in anticipation, and flick your finger against the slippery surface just so. Sounds like the start of a good sex fantasy, but instead it’s the reality of life playing Pokemon GO.

Couples Exercises for Better Sex
This week at Penchant we're all about exercise and its sweaty, sexy benefits. First we discussed the "coregasm" and how to get one, and today we're talking about some exercises you can do as a couple to rev your heart rates and get you ready for a roll in the hay.

Coregasms: Another Sexy Reason to Exercise
We can't overstate the importance of exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle, and there's another sexy reason to hit the gym. According to an article on PopSugar.com, there is a chance that certain types of exercise can cause a "coregasm."

5 Natural Ways to Boost Your Libido
Sex is fun, feels great, and has a ton of health benefits, but what happens when your sex drive isn’t up to par? Today we’ve rounded up 5 of our favorite libido-boosters.

True and Awesome: Kegels Aren’t Just for Women
We’re not the first people to sing the praises of Kegels for women, but did you know that men can do them too? Not only can Kegels help with men’s prostate health, doing them can lead to better orgasms and stronger erections.

Use Sex Toys to Improve Confidence and Banish Sexual Shame
Have you ever felt guilty about sexual pleasure? Felt like you wanted more sex than normal? Less?

The Best Way to Start Your Day
This year the team at Penchant is focused on adding more pleasure into our lives, and we love this idea from the writers at Kinkly.com - add orgasms to your morning routine to reap the benefits early in your day!

Two Approaches to Sex in the Winter
In sex, as in life, there is a whole spectrum of experiences out there. While we typically steer clear of saying things fall into only two categories, we tend to find that how people approach sex in the winter can easily skew to either end of that spectrum.

Watching Porn May Not Be All Bad for You
Many people have strong views on whether or not watching porn is healthy, but scientists at UCLA and Concordia University recently set out to clear the air as to whether it’s physically harmful for men to watch visual sexual stimuli. Translation: would there be erectile dysfunction associated with watching porn?

Aphrodisiac Foods to Supercharge Your Sex Drive
A few years back I received the book, The New InterCourses: An Aphrodisiac Cookbook. The book is beautiful to look at and gives a number of recipes you can create in your kitchen using foods with aphrodisiac properties.

Can a Phone App Improve Your Sex Life?
We all know that there are things you can do to improve your sex life (including using lube, of course), but can using a phone app improve your sex life?

Lube it Up for Easier Orgasms
We love orgasms not only for the health benefits, but also because they feel amazing. Due to a number of factors including stress and changing hormones, though, it sometimes takes a little extra effort to hit the big O.

A Sexy Reason For the Man in Your Life to Lace Up His Gym Shoes
We all know that regular exercise is important for your health – after all, it does everything from improve your mood to extend your life expectancy. An even sexier reason to exercise?

Good News For Our Sex Lives as We Age
I don’t know about you, but I want to be able to enjoy good health as I age, and that means also maintaining a healthy sex life. The great news is that senior citizens have reported being increasingly satisfied with their sex lives, as shown in a recent study by the University of Gothenburg.