Coregasms: Another Sexy Reason to Exercise

We can't overstate the importance of exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle, and there's another sexy reason to hit the gym. According to an article on, there is a chance that certain types of exercise can cause a "coregasm." Yep, a coregasm is just what it sounds like: an orgasm that happens when you engage your core abdominal muscles in exercise. Uh, yes please.
So how can you up your chances of experiencing a coregasm? The actual workout type can change person to person, and range from abdominal exercises to weightlifting and yoga, but it seems like engaging your pelvic floor muscles (the same ones as in Kegel exercises), can be part of the trick. Also, choosing intense workouts and staying relaxed and receptive can help. You can visit the article to learn more, but we'll leave you with these parting thoughts: even if you don't achieve a coregasm through exercise alone, you'll be that much more ramped up to hop into bed. And since you know we love lube, keep in mind that you can use it under your workout clothes to help prevent chafing. Gotta love a multipurpose product!