The Ultimate Spring Skincare Guide

We’re now officially into spring and though winter is still close to our hearts, in many ways spring has the best of a few worlds - sunshine and warm days that cool off into crisp nights, not to mention all the beautiful plants are finally returning. And, hey, the days are getting a little longer, which means more time to indulge your favorite indoor activities. With that being said, it’s often tricky to protect your skin during the temperature extremes of the season.
Here’s our guide to help get the most kissable lips and touchable skin. Feel free to bundle up during the day, but when you're ready to show off your skin at night, we've got you covered.
Repair summer damage with Vitamin C
Even if you’re super vigilant about using sunscreen in the summer, spots get missed and sun accidents happen. Summer is the season when you’re most likely to experience excessive damage, making the spring your best bet for repairing uneven skin tone and roughness. Vitamin C helps brighten your skin, so opt for a moisturizer or serum that passes along the benefits.
Keep using sunscreen
It’s tempting to skip the sunscreen now that sun isn’t quite as prevalent, but even gloomy days allow harsh UV rays to filter through. Do yourself a favor and continue to apply a protective layer of sunscreen. It’s way easier to prevent damage than to reverse it, and sunscreen is your best bet long-term. If it’s harder to remember to apply sunscreen when it’s not sunny out, opt for a daily moisturizer with SPF built in. That way you’ve got a base layer on every morning.
Everything from your face to your elbows to your feet can benefit from a good exfoliation, which polishes away dull, dead skin cells and leaves soft, glowing skin behind. This is especially important after summer, when oil, sweat, and sunscreen can lead to clogged pores. Even your lips can get benefit from a little scrub, so go over them with your toothbrush after you give your teeth attention.
Shower the right way
Sure it feels cozy to jump into a hot shower when the temperatures plummet, but the aftermath can wreak havoc on your skin. When water is too hot it can strip your skin’s natural oils, leading to dry and even cracked skin. Instead of cranking the temperature all the way to steaming, aim for a warm shower, or keep your sessions a bit shorter. Use a moisturizing body wash to maximize the benefits, and when you get out of the shower, pat your skin dry rather than rubbing it.
Smooth and soothe
Even with colder temperatures, we bet you'll still have plenty of opportunities to show off your skin (ahem, makeout sessions by the fireplace, anyone?). If you wax, sugar, or shave to remove hair, reach for Penchant Bare to banish red bumps and ingrown hairs. Our botanically-enriched skin serum can be applied before and after hair removal to help keep your skin irritation free. It's one of our absolute favorite products because it really works!
Protect your skin from the inside out
What you put into your body is just as important as what you put on it, so drink lots of water. When it’s not as hot, we often forget to hydrate properly, so be sure to have water handy at all times to remind you to drink up. Also, eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables. These colorful foods have a range of protective antioxidants and vitamins in them, so blend up a smoothie or dig into a salad for lunch. Skincare never tasted so good!