What to do When Your Phone is Interrupting Your Sex Life

Here on the blog we’ve talked about how some phone apps can improve your sex life (Kama Sutra anyone?), but there’s a flip side to our favorite tool. Studies have shown that having a phone in your bedroom can make it harder for you to sleep, and even more troubling is how those distractions can interrupt your sex life. Yep, people report that they have interrupted sex to answer calls and check social media. That can't be good for your love life!
If you want to up your bedroom game and connect with your partner, try these tips:
- Keep your phone out of your room at night. If you can’t stay away from the phone, try putting it on the Do Not Disturb mode so you can't be interrupted.
- Have designated times away from your phone so you can be more present and focus on the people around you. This can be at night, but also consider adding some cell-free times to your day. Putting down the phone at mealtime, for example, can help you better concentrate on your partner, not to mention your food.
- When you’re with your partner, make sure it's quality time. Trust us, when you're trying to check your phone while having a conversation, your partner can tell that your attention is divided. Save the multitasking for another time and enjoy yourself in the moment.
- After sex, spend a few minutes together before giving in to the urge to check your phone.
Don’t forget, phones don’t have to be bad. You can use them to send some racy texts to your partner to get in the mood and heighten anticipation before sex, but when the time comes, put that phone down and enjoy the person in front of you.