5 Fantastic Sex-Positive Resources

At Penchant we're all about sex-positivity, or the idea that all sex, as long as it’s consensual and healthy, is a positive thing. We try to be a resource for you in our own right, providing tips and tricks to help you explore what gets you off, but there's an even larger community out there with fantastic sex-positive resources. Today we're rounding up 5 of our favorite sources of information to help you dive deeper into the possibilities for your sex life.
A common thread among these sex-positive resources is the idea of education. Among these websites and podcasts you'll find plenty of helpful information, presented in a way that aims to normalize different acts, experiences, and world views. These resources are also presented in a variety of formats - from text, to illustrations, to podcasts and videos - so you can find the media that you connect to best. Just like Penchant, the goal of these resources is to empower you to make the best choices for your love life. We hope you find information that helps inspire you, and we wish you happy reading, viewing, and listening!
The Redhead Bedhead
Why we love it: JoEllen Notte is a fiery sex educator on a mission to save the world from mediocre sex. She’s honest and vulnerable and has the credentials to back up her tell-it-like-it-is writing: she’s a speaker, writer, researcher and a mental health advocate. Total heart eyes over here.Oh Joy Sex Toy
Why we love it: This site is a mix of sex education, adult product reviews, and, oh yeah, did we mention it’s done in comic form? Erika Moen and Matthew Nolan have created a very accessible, engaging, and inclusive site, which makes us super happy.
Sex Nerd Sandra
Why we love it: Sandra does amazing work normalizing sexuality and is best known for her light-hearted, hilarious podcast that dives into a huge range of sex-related topics. With over 200 episodes from butt stuff to multiple orgasms, you’ll for sure find something that tickles your fancy.
Sunny Megatron
Why we love it: Lots of love over here for sex-educator extraordinaire, Sunny Megatron, who not only runs a fantastic blog but who also has a Showtime series, Sex with Sunny Megatron. Sunny is a great resource if you’re interested in learning more about kink and BDSM. Her BDSM for Beginners series is well worth a watch.
Slutty Girl Problems
Why we love it: This site is all about owning your sexuality and going after what you like. It reclaims the term “slut” and uses it to describe sexual empowerment, removing the stigma of shame. It’s filled with guides, reviews (including Penchant Premium!) and lifestyle articles.