How to Buy Sex Toys as Gifts

There’s nothing sexier than anticipation of a great roll in the hay, and opening a package to find a new adult toy can prime the pump for an arousing new experience. If you want to buy a toy for your partner, but you’re shopping alone, the key is to pick something you’ll both enjoy. Read on for our favorite tips for buying sex toys as gifts.
- Pay attention to what your partner likes in bed. Does your partner go wild for clitoral stimulation? Penetration? Anal? These will give you cues as to what type of toy your partner will enjoy, and you’ll find toys that cater to every desire.
- If you haven’t discussed a particular kind of toy before, start with something you’re both familiar with. For example, if you’ve only had vaginal sex before, start there. A basic vibrator can be a great place to begin. Also, start with smaller sizes and work your way up.
- That being said, if you know your partner wants to try something new, a fun toy can be a way to dip your toes in the water. When you’re buying solo, make sure a new toy is something you’ve talked about so your partner is comfortable with your purchase.
- Don’t forget to add lube! You’ll want to make sure you’re using a toy-friendly lube, especially for any penetrative toys. Try our new water-based lube, Penchant Pleasure, which lasts for ages and plays nice with all your favorite bedroom accessories.